Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Im a Digital Dependant Essay Example For Students

Im a Digital Dependant Essay When I was first asked to convey my digital image, I described myself as a digital chameleon. I said this because I have always believed that I was a selective user of digital media. And that I only used certain tools that would make my life easier as well as only take and use what was necessary for my career or immediate survival. But since taking this class I have realized I am a way more active digital citizen that I originally thought. I find myself more and more involved in digital media these days whether its networking online, creating music or beats, or simply by posting a photo and sharing it with the online communities of the world. I would like to call myself a Digital Dependent. I say this because whether I like to admit or not I have become so dependent on technology, that I cant remember the time I either asked someone to help with a certain issue or looked up something in a book. In this modern day where everything is based on how fast you can get the information you seek, its almost impossible not to get hooked into the chaos of it all. I was just talking to an old friend about how when we used to deliver pizza we literally had to use a map to not only lookup but plot our route to our destination. I could never dream of doing that today! Let alone I dont even think I own a car map. Its amazing when you take a step back and just realize how many times you jump to use your phone, laptop or tablet when faced with a dilemma, or just to simply look up some random information. The days of immersing yourself in manuals and other literature are on its way to extinction. When youre a Digital Dependent like myself you can really lose your personal identity and start to immerse or believe that your digital identity is more important. Especially in this industry when youre constantly judged by your peers, fans and even family on blogs, social media and other sites. And with information regarding yourself being spread so fast through the internet one can easily be more concerned with that side of the negativity that can come along with being a digital citizen rather than concentrating on the work that got them to the point that are at in their career. In conclusion to tie in to a little with what we learned this month, now that I can accurately label myself as Digital Dependent thus making me an active Digital Citizen. With that citizenship comes responsibility to uphold; copyrights, misinformation, and the digital law that governs each of us the moment we decide to interact on any digital platform. So in conclusion as a born again Digital Dependent, I have determined to learn and soak up as much information as I can that will help me along this career path Im currently on to make in the Music Industry. I definitely see myself as more educated than when I first started this class.

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